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Once again in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+13Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: againonce moreover againSimilar words: again and againstruggle againsthope against hopeagainst the grainagainagainstyet againnow and againMeaning: adv. anew. 
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61. Once again it will be the taxpayer who has to foot the bill.
62. She lifted her hand to knock on the door once again.
63. Communal riots/disturbances have once again broken out between the two ethnic groups.
64. These weeks of drought have once again raised the spectre of widespread famine.
65. The students looked perplexed, so the teacher tried to explain once again.
66. He changed his position once again to ease the ache in his back.
67. Pregnancy wasn't all plain sailing and once again there were problems.
68. He was back in her arms and she could once again sleep peacefully.
69. Once again, it must be stressed that the pilot was not to blame.
70. I went there once again ten years later, but nothing changed. All stood there.
71. Would you mind running through the main points of your proposal once again?
72. The terrible specter of civil war hung over the country once again.
73. Once again(, company directors have awarded themselves a massive pay increase.
74. Royal-watchers have once again been speculating on the health of the princess.
75. Europe is once again at the top of the political agenda.
76. Hooligans masquerading as football fans have once again caused disturbances.
77. The crowds were once again entertained by the number one tennis player's antics on and off the court.
78. Once again he tried to press his case for promotion.
79. He has shown once again that he's able to outmanoeuvre the military.
80. Once again we failed to get the Bill through Parliament.
81. He once again nosed ahead of me on the horse race last week.
82. Once again club members have had to dip into their pockets to buy new equipment.
83. We've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style.
84. The terrible spectre of civil war hung over the country once again.
85. The bilges had been pumped and the ship was ready to set sail once again.
86. Women once again are having fewer children and spacing them further apart.
87. The House of Commons is to debate once again whether to bring back the death penalty.
88. You are reminded once again of the author's love of the sea.
89. He had asked her once again about her finances. And again she had equivocated.
90. Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics.
More similar words: again and againstruggle againsthope against hopeagainst the grainagainagainstyet againnow and againpit againstover and againall over againtime and againagainst timeconcealfight againstrevolt againstconcealedproceed againstconcealingconcealmentintelligence agencyover and over againice ageconcentration campronald reagangainregaingainsaybargainungainly
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